Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A Dog Trainers Secrets To Puppy Toilet Training

Before you start any dog or puppy training program, concentrate on the end result you're after, rather than what you don't want. So as you start each exercise with your dog, imagine the end result and create a clear image of what you're planning to create, and focus on it throughout the session. Don't waste any time pondering over what it is that you don't want to happen.

If you don't have a destination in mind, how are you ever going to arrive there? That's true of most things in life, particularly when it comes to dog training tips too

It's a natural emotion to concentrate on the things we don't want in our lives. And it seems to be a wide spread phenomenon with dog training too. Not wanting our dog to pee anywhere inside our house is right up there, or to chew the sofa, or disobey our commands, or start barking incessantly when our sweet old aunt comes to visit.

But think about it. Especially if you're thinking of getting a new puppy in the home. Are you actually considering spending the next eight to fourteen years of your life chasing your dog around saying, "No no no"? Wouldn't it be better to guide your dog into behaviors that you want?

A perfect example is when you think, "The dog had better not chew my shoes, or furniture," try, "My dog will chew and play with his own squeezy toys." Instead of, "I hate it when the dog harasses and jumps up on people who visit the house," try instead, "It would be nice for the dog to sit nicely and welcome visitors."

By focusing on the positive aspects of your training goals, you will have a much clearer path to successfully training your dog. Wouldn't you agree that's a much better way to approach your new dog training course.

Should You Use Rewards?

The most important aspect people have realized in house breaking puppy over the last few years is the trend away from concentrating on correcting bad behavior, or punishment, to rewarding obedience and favorable actions.

Most trainer now favor the practice of rewarding a well behaved dog especially for puppy toilet training. A fundamental reason for using rewards is that if you make a mistake using punishment, the outcome can be pretty sad. It's not overly common, but your dog could become frightened or even aggressive in response to the punishment. Other dogs shut down. They simply lose their bounce and energy. Some may even appear completely broken spirited.

Using rewards training methods also makes you feel good. Heaping praise and treats on your dog gives a powerful sense of achievement.

And best of all, reward-based training really works. The main reason being that rewards of this nature help to stimulate and build acceptable behavior. As soon as she discovers that rewards come for a particular action of behavior, your pet will want to repeat he behavior as often as possible. By figuring out how to apply that simple rule, using rewards will make your training days a lot easier and more productive.

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